Anna's Story

“I met my community sponsorship group through a toddler morning, just hanging out with them and their kids. Honestly, I went along to the first meeting not thinking I’d actually get involved. But once you hear about it, that’s it, your heart is in.”

Once the group is set up, you all pull together. Whatever time you have, you put that energy into it. That’s how we divided everything; who could do what? Networking is important. You’ve got your small community group who is project managing it, but you’ve also got your wider community who can support.
The reward of welcoming the family was so lovely, it was magical.  We all took our children to the airport. We had signs in Arabic saying welcome to Ireland. When they came out, they immediately hugged everyone, they shook everyone’s hands, they were extremely warm. It was immediate bonding.

“It’s all about them, the family. Listen to what they want and need and help when you can. They are trying to build a life here”


It’s all about them, the family. Listen to what they want and need and help when you can. They are trying to build a life here. You can look and say how awful the situation is, or you can be a doer.

You don’t need to be anything special or have special skills. Everything that needs to be can done, can be done.

“I want to challenge everyone else to get involved, pass on the message!”

Are you interested in getting involved? Find out how to take part by clicking the link:

The Open Community CLG supports community-led welcome for refugees in Ireland. Registered Company No. 739429

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