Are you a Landlord?

One of the greatest challenges facing Community Sponsorship Groups is finding suitable accommodation for the refugee family for the duration of the sponsorship period.

“My first experience of renting to a Syrian family has moved me beyond words. It’s a decision I would never regret, as a landlord or as a human being who wanted to make a difference”

UK Landlord
As a landlord, you can help groups overcome this challenge and at the same time change the lives of a refugee family. By providing your accommodation to a community sponsorship group you will benefit from rental income for at least two years with the knowledge that there is a network of support for the family to help them manage finances.

To meet the requirements of Community Sponsorship, any accommodation offered must:

Meet the standards set out in the Standards for Rented Houses Regulations 2017 and Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019.

Be available for a minimum of two years, have its own front door and not be an offer of rooms in a house share.
And, be available at an affordable rent; families who arrive through Community Sponsorship will be entitled to the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).
If you can help provide a home to a refugee family

The Open Community CLG supports community-led welcome for refugees in Ireland. Registered Company No. 739429

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